FAQ / Security & Compliance

Where will the images, videos and texts be processed? Will the end-user data stay in a specific region ?

Default behavior

By default, our API will direct your request to currently available clusters. The processing may currently happen in any of the following regions:

  • EU West (France, 3 locations, 5 data centers)
  • EU Central (Germany, 2 locations, 2 data centers)
  • Canada (1 location, 2 data centers)
  • US (2 locations, 3 data centers)
  • Controlling where your data gets processed

    If you need to control exactly where your data is analyzed, you can sign up to one of our Enterprise plans. You will then be able to choose the most appropriate data centers so that your data does not leave a specific region.

    We currently have the following regions available:

    • EU West (France, 3 locations, 5 data centers)
    • EU Central (Germany, 2 locations, 2 data centers)
    • Canada (1 location, 2 data centers)
    • US East (Enterprise)
    • US West (Enterprise)
    • Singapore (Enterprise)
    • Australia (Enterprise)

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