The Color Detection Model is useful to extract the dominant and most relevant colors within an image.
The objective of the Color Detection Model is to list the most important colors within an image. Those include 3 types of colors: the dominant color, the accent colors, and the secondary colors.
The dominant color is the color that would be perceived as being the dominant one in an image by a human viewer. This takes into account:
For instance highly saturated colors, or colors close to red / yellow / orange will stand out more than duller colors. This is accounted for in the color detection.
Dominant color:
#7693be |
Accent colors are colors that are not dominant in the image, that sometimes occupy a small area of the image, but that still draw the human eye's due to their intensity, contrast or saturation.
In this image, the boy's red tee-shirt is small in area but has an impactful color. Accent colors are:
#cb2318 | |
#1c8780 | |
#105b84 |
Secondary colors are colors that are important in the image but that are neither the dominant one nor accent colors.
Secondary colors:
#304651 | |
#864039 | |
#6c978a | |
#887745 | |
#a28a68 |
If you haven't already, create an account to get your own API keys. You should then install the SDK that corresponds to your programming language. You can also implement your own logic to interact with our API if you prefer. Have a look at our API documentation for more details.
Let's say you want to moderate the following image:
You can either upload a public URL to the image, or upload the raw binary image. Here's how to proceed if you choose to share the image's public URL:
curl -X GET -G '' \
-d 'models=properties' \
-d 'api_user={api_user}&api_secret={api_secret}' \
--data-urlencode 'url='
# this example uses requests
import requests
import json
params = {
'url': '',
'models': 'properties',
'api_user': '{api_user}',
'api_secret': '{api_secret}'
r = requests.get('', params=params)
output = json.loads(r.text)
$params = array(
'url' => '',
'models' => 'properties',
'api_user' => '{api_user}',
'api_secret' => '{api_secret}',
// this example uses cURL
$ch = curl_init(''.http_build_query($params));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
$output = json_decode($response, true);
// this example uses axios
const axios = require('axios');
axios.get('', {
params: {
'url': '',
'models': 'properties',
'api_user': '{api_user}',
'api_secret': '{api_secret}',
.then(function (response) {
// on success: handle response
.catch(function (error) {
// handle error
if (error.response) console.log(;
else console.log(error.message);
The API will then return a JSON response:
"status": "success",
"request": {
"id": "req_0zrbHDeitGYY7wEGncAne",
"timestamp": 1491402308.4762,
"operations": 0
"sharpness": 0.995,
"contrast": 0.886,
"brightness": 0.522,
"colors": {
"dominant": {
"r": 135,
"g": 127,
"b": 84,
"hex": "#877f54"
"accent": [
"r": 163,
"g": 149,
"b": 41,
"hex": "#a39529"
"r": 119,
"g": 127,
"b": 32,
"hex": "#777f20"
"other": [
"r": 50,
"g": 48,
"b": 20,
"hex": "#323014"
"r": 232,
"g": 222,
"b": 204,
"hex": "#e8decc"
"r": 218,
"g": 198,
"b": 145,
"hex": "#dac691"
"r": 84,
"g": 62,
"b": 25,
"hex": "#543e19"
"media": {
"id": "med_0zrbk8nlp4vwI5WxIqQ4u",
"uri": ""
See our full list of Image/Video models for details on other filters and checks you can run on your images and videos. You might also want to check our Text models to moderate text-based content: messages, reviews, comments, usernames...
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