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  • Introduction
  • Image Moderation
  • Image Moderation Workflows
  • Video and Stream Moderation
  • Text and Username Moderation
  • Feedback
  • Errors
  • Introduction

    API endpoint

    The Sightengine API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable, resource-oriented URLs, and uses HTTP response codes to indicate API errors. We use built-in HTTP features, like HTTP verbs, which are understood by off-the-shelf HTTP clients.

    We support cross-origin resource sharing, allowing you to interact securely with our API from a client-side web application (though you should never expose your secret API key in any public website's client-side code). JSON is returned by all API responses, including errors.


    Authentication is performed by adding two parameters to all your API requests: api_user and api_secret.

    Both parameters are strings provided in your account information.


    API endpoint

    Versioning is performed through the API URL. The current version of the API documented here is 1.0. If we make backwards-incompatible changes we will bump this version number and let you know that a new version is available through a new URL.

    We may perform backwards-compatible changes to this version of the API. Changes that may be performed are:

    You should therefore make sure that your code does not break if new properties are added or if the order of existing properties is changed.

    Image Moderation

    Image moderation works by submitting an image to the moderation API. Our moderation engine will then analyze the image and provide a moderation score.

    Several models are available for you to choose from:

    For more details on each model, please head to our Model Reference

    The API accepts both standard still images: JPEG, PNG, WEBP etc. and multi-frame GIF images. Please keep in mind that when submitting a GIF image all frames will be reviewed. The number of operations performed will therefore be proportional to the number of frames.


    Requests are performed via GET or POST.

    GET requests are used to submit a public url to the image that needs to be analyzed. POST requests are used to directly submit the content of an image that needs to be analyzed.


    Example response

      "status": "success",
      "request": {
        "id": "req_VjyxevVQYXQZ1HMbnwtn",
        "timestamp": 1471762434.0244,
        "operations": 1
      "media": {
        "id": "med_KWmB2GQZ29N4MVpVdq5K",
        "uri": ""

    All API responses are JSON formatted. JSONP is also available, in which case a callback parameter must be added to your request.

    As shown in the example response, all responses to image moderation requests will contain the following fields:

    statusstringsuccess if the request was successfully handled, failure otherwise
    requestobjecta JSON dictionary containing meta-data describing the request (request id, timestamp and number of operations performed)
    media objecta JSON dictionary describing the image received

    Nudity detection


    The Nudity endpoint helps you determine if an image contains some kind of nudity and what "level" of nudity it contains. We distinguish three main levels of nudity:

    Request arguments (GET)

    Example request

    curl -X GET \
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('nudity').set_url('')
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['nudity']).set_url('').then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['nudity'])->set_url('');

    To analyze an image that is publicly accessible over HTTP, you can perform a GET request:

    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    urlyesPublic URL to the image to be moderated

    Request arguments (POST)

    Example request

    curl -X POST '' \
    -F 'api_user={api_user}' \
    -F 'api_secret={api_secret}' \
    -F 'media=@/path/to/local/file.jpg'
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('nudity').set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg')
    # binary image
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('nudity').set_bytes(binary_image)
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['nudity']).set_file('/full/path/to/image.jpg').then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    // binary image
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['nudity']).set_bytes(binary_image).then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['nudity'])->set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg');
    // binary image
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['nudity'])->set_bytes($binary_image);

    To analyze an image that is not publicly accessible, you should perform a POST request:

    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    mediayesThe image (local file) to be moderated


    Example response

      "status": "success",
      "request": {
        "id": "req_VjyxevVQYXQZ1HMbnwtn",
        "timestamp": 1471762434.0244,
        "operations": 1
      "nudity": {
        "raw": 0.000757,
        "partial": 0.000763,
        "safe": 0.999243
      "media": {
        "id": "med_KWmB2GQZ29N4MVpVdq5K",
        "uri": ""

    This request will return a JSON response containing the following attributes:

    statusstringsuccess if the request was successfully handled, failure otherwise
    requestobjecta JSON dictionary containing meta data on the request (identifying id, timestamp and number of operations performed)
    nudityobject a JSON dictionary containing information on the nudity content of the image, see below for more
    media objecta JSON dictionary describing the image received

    The Nudity object contains the following Attributes:

    rawfloatthe probability that the image contains raw nudity
    partialfloatthe probability that the image contains partial nudity
    partial_tagstring if the image contains partial nudity, this string will describe the type of partial nudity. Possible values are bikini, lingerie, cleavage, chest, miniskirt. Other values may be added in future evolutions so make sure you gracefuly handle them.
    safefloatthe probability that the image does not contain nudity

    Weapons Alcohol Drugs detection


    This endpoint is useful to determine if an image contains weapons, alcohol or drugs.

    Request arguments (GET)

    Example request

    curl -X GET \
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('wad').set_url('')
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['wad']).set_url('').then(function(result) {
      // read the output
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['wad'])->set_url('');
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    urlyesPublic URL to the image to be moderated

    Request arguments (POST)

    Example request

    curl -X POST '' \
    -F 'api_user={api_user}' \
    -F 'api_secret={api_secret}' \
    -F 'media=@/path/to/local/file.jpg'
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('wad').set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg')
    # binary image
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('wad').set_bytes(binary_image)
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['wad']).set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg').then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    // binary image
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['wad']).set_bytes(binary_image).then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['wad'])->set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg');
    // binary image
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['wad'])->set_bytes($binary_image);
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    mediayesThe image (local file) to be moderated


    Example response

        "status": "success",
        "request": {
            "id": "req_0zr9H3yIrEQTCKai01nbF",
            "timestamp": 1491402200.1025,
            "operations": 1
        "weapon": 0.773,
        "alcohol": 0.001,
        "drugs": 0,
        "media": {
            "id": "med_0zr9P0dw3pBYUzuT2jKaP",
            "uri": ""

    This request will return a JSON response containing the following attributes:

    statusstringsuccess if the request was successfully handled, failure otherwise
    requestobjecta JSON dictionary containing meta data on the request (identifying id, timestamp and number of operations performed)
    weaponfloatthe probability that the image contains weapons
    alcoholfloatthe probability that the image contains alcohol
    drugsfloatthe probability that the image contains drugs
    media objecta JSON dictionary describing the image received

    Faces Attributes detection


    The Face endpoint helps you determine if an image contains nobody, one or multiple people.

    Request arguments (GET)

    Example request

    curl -X GET \
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('face-attributes').set_url('')
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['face-attributes']).set_url('').then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['face-attributes'])->set_url('');
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    urlyesPublic URL to the image to be moderated

    Request arguments (POST)

    Example request

    curl -X POST '' \
    -F 'models=face-attributes' \
    -F 'api_user={api_user}' \
    -F 'api_secret={api_secret}' \
    -F 'media=@/path/to/local/file.jpg'
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('face-attributes').set_file('/to/local/file.jpg')
    # binary image
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('face-attributes').set_bytes(binary_image)
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['face-attributes']).set_file('/to/local/file.jpg').then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    // binary image
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['face-attributes']).set_bytes(binary_image).then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['face-attributes'])->set_file('/to/local/file.jpg');
    // binary image
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['face_attributes'])->set_bytes($binary_image);
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    mediayesThe image (local file) to be moderated


    Example response

        "status": "success",
        "request": {
            "id": "req_0MsK5ptZx713xt5aRmckl",
            "timestamp": 1494406445.3718,
            "operations": 1
        "faces": [
                "x1": 0.5121,
                "y1": 0.1879,
                "x2": 0.6926,
                "y2": 0.6265,
                "features": {
                    "left_eye": {
                        "x": 0.6438,
                        "y": 0.3634
                    "right_eye": {
                        "x": 0.5578,
                        "y": 0.3714
                    "nose_tip": {
                        "x": 0.6047,
                        "y": 0.4801
                    "left_mouth_corner": {
                        "x": 0.6469,
                        "y": 0.5305
                    "right_mouth_corner": {
                        "x": 0.5719,
                        "y": 0.5332
                "attributes": {
                    "female": 0.96,
                    "male": 0.04,
                    "minor": 0.01,
                    "sunglasses": 0.01
        "media": {
            "id": "med_0MsK3A6i2vNxQgHkc11j9",
            "uri": ""

    This request will return a JSON response containing the following attributes:

    statusstringsuccess if the request was successfully handled, failure otherwise
    requestobjecta JSON dictionary containing meta data on the request (identifying id, timestamp and number of operations performed)
    facesobject a JSON dictionary containing information on the presence of people / faces in the image, see below for more
    media objecta JSON dictionary describing the image received

    The Face object contains the following attributes:

    x1floatThe bounding box's left X coordinate (expressed as a share of image width in the range [0,1])
    y1floatThe bounding box's top Y coordinate (expressed as a share of image height in the range [0,1])
    x2floatThe bounding box's right X coordinate (expressed as a share of image width in the range [0,1])
    y2float The bounding box's bottom Y coordinate (expressed as a share of image height in the range [0,1])
    featuresobjectPositioning of the elements of the face (expressed as a share of image dimensions, in the range [0,1])
    attributesobjectDescription of the face attributes (see below)

    The Face Attributes object contains the following attributes:

    female  float probability that the face belongs to a female
    male  float probability that the face belongs to a male
    minor floatprobability that the face belongs to a person under 18 years old
    sunglasses  float probability of presence of sunglasses

    Celebrity detection


    This endpoint is useful to determine if an image contains a celebrity.

    Request arguments (GET)

    Example request

    curl -X GET \
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('celebrities').set_url('')
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['celebrities']).set_url('').then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['celebrities'])->set_url('');
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    urlyesPublic URL to the image to be moderated

    Request arguments (POST)

    Example request

    curl -X POST '' \
    -F 'models=celebrities' \
    -F 'api_user={api_user}' \
    -F 'api_secret={api_secret}' \
    -F 'media=@/path/to/local/file.jpg'
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('celebrities').set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg')
    # binary image
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('celebrities').set_bytes(binary_image)
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['celebrities']).set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg').then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    // binary image
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['celebrities']).set_bytes(binary_image).then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['celebrities'])->set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg');
    // binary image
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['celebrities'])->set_bytes($binary_image);
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    mediayesThe image (local file) to be moderated


    Example response

        "status": "success",
        "request": {
            "id": "req_0MtAXnNu1zHLs6CZXMVaw",
            "timestamp": 1494409587.8202,
            "operations": 1
        "faces": [
                "x1": 0.293,
                "y1": 0.1491,
                "x2": 0.7035,
                "y2": 0.8158,
                "features": {
                    "left_eye": {
                        "x": 0.61,
                        "y": 0.4378
                    "right_eye": {
                        "x": 0.43,
                        "y": 0.4016
                    "nose_tip": {
                        "x": 0.5167,
                        "y": 0.5663
                    "left_mouth_corner": {
                        "x": 0.5667,
                        "y": 0.6787
                    "right_mouth_corner": {
                        "x": 0.4133,
                        "y": 0.6466
                "celebrity": [
                        "name": "Daniel Craig",
                        "prob": 0.99
                        "name": "Dean Wareham",
                        "prob": 0.06
                        "name": "Ben Daniels",
                        "prob": 0.06
                        "name": "Graham Fellows",
                        "prob": 0.05
        "media": {
            "id": "med_0MtAtt9ud8Jaz93Ohb9UE",
            "uri": ""

    This request will return a JSON response containing the following attributes:

    statusstringsuccess if the request was successfully handled, failure otherwise
    requestobjecta JSON dictionary containing meta data on the request (identifying id, timestamp and number of operations performed)
    facesobject a JSON dictionary containing information on the presence of people / faces in the image, see below for more
    media objecta JSON dictionary describing the image received

    The Face object contains the following attributes:

    x1floatThe bounding box's left X coordinate (expressed as a share of image width in the range [0,1])
    y1floatThe bounding box's top Y coordinate (expressed as a share of image height in the range [0,1])
    x2floatThe bounding box's right X coordinate (expressed as a share of image width in the range [0,1])
    y2float The bounding box's bottom Y coordinate (expressed as a share of image height in the range [0,1])
    featuresobjectPositioning of the elements of the face (expressed as a share of image dimensions, in the range [0,1])
    celebrityobjectList of celebrities matching this face (could be empty)

    The celebrity list contains objects with the following attributes:

    name string Name of the matching celebrity
    prob floatProbability that the face belongs to said celebrity (0 to 1)

    Scammer detection


    This endpoint is useful to determine if an image contains a scammer.

    Request arguments (GET)

    Example request

    curl -X GET \
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('scam').set_url('')
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['scam']).set_url('').then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['scam'])->set_url('');
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    urlyesPublic URL to the image to be moderated

    Request arguments (POST)

    Example request

    curl -X POST '' \
    -F 'models=scam' \
    -F 'api_user={api_user}' \
    -F 'api_secret={api_secret}' \
    -F 'media=@/path/to/local/file.jpg'
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('scam').set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg')
    # binary image
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('scam').set_bytes(binary_image)
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['scam']).set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg').then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    // binary image
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['scam']).set_bytes(binary_image).then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['scam'])->set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg');
    // binary image
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['scam'])->set_bytes($binary_image);
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    mediayesThe image (local file) to be moderated


    Example response

        "status": "success",
        "request": {
            "id": "req_0RNttFqUKWhGSAlcENj3Z",
            "timestamp": 1495636774.8524,
            "operations": 1
        "scam": {
            "prob": 0.9895
        "faces": [
                "x1": 0.4186,
                "y1": 0.2417,
                "x2": 0.6152,
                "y2": 0.6698,
                "features": {
                    "left_eye": {
                        "x": 0.5326,
                        "y": 0.3969
                    "right_eye": {
                        "x": 0.4512,
                        "y": 0.4219
                    "nose_tip": {
                        "x": 0.4805,
                        "y": 0.525
                    "left_mouth_corner": {
                        "x": 0.5501,
                        "y": 0.5573
                    "right_mouth_corner": {
                        "x": 0.4811,
                        "y": 0.5813
        "media": {
            "id": "med_0RNtVu0azEaBwPgZI0fur",
            "uri": ""

    This request will return a JSON response containing the following attributes:

    statusstringsuccess if the request was successfully handled, failure otherwise
    requestobjecta JSON dictionary containing meta data on the request (identifying id, timestamp and number of operations performed)
    facesobject a JSON dictionary containing information on the presence of people / faces in the image, see below for more
    scam objecta JSON dictionary containing the probability that there is a scammer on the image
    media objecta JSON dictionary describing the image received

    The Face object contains the following Attributes:

    x1floatThe bounding box's left X coordinate (expressed as a share of image width in the range [0,1])
    y1floatThe bounding box's top Y coordinate (expressed as a share of image height in the range [0,1])
    x2floatThe bounding box's right X coordinate (expressed as a share of image width in the range [0,1])
    y2float The bounding box's bottom Y coordinate (expressed as a share of image height in the range [0,1])
    featuresobjectPositioning of the elements of the face (expressed as a share of image dimensions, in the range [0,1])

    Type detection


    The Type endpoint helps you determine if an image is a natural photograph or an illustration.

    An illustration could be a drawing, a painting, a logo, a clipart or any such image that does not look like a natural photograph.

    Request arguments (GET)

    Example request

    curl -X GET \
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('type').set_url('')
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['type']).set_url('').then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['type'])->set_url('');
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    urlyesPublic URL to the image to be moderated

    Request arguments (POST)

    Example request

    curl -X POST '' \
    -F 'api_user={api_user}' \
    -F 'api_secret={api_secret}' \
    -F 'media=@/path/to/local/file.jpg'
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('type').set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg')
    # binary image
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('type').set_bytes(binary_image)
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['type']).set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg').then(function(result) {
     // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    // binary image
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['type']).set_bytes(binary_image).then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['type'])->set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg');
    // binary image
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['type'])->set_bytes($binary_image);
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    mediayesThe image (local file) to be moderated


    Example response

      "status": "success",
      "request": {
        "id": "req_VjyxevVQYXQZ1HMbnwtn",
        "timestamp": 1471762434.0244,
        "operations": 1
      "type": {
        "illustration": 0.000757,
        "photo": 0.999243
      "media": {
        "id": "med_KWmB2GQZ29N4MVpVdq5K",
        "uri": ""

    This request will return a JSON response containing the following attributes:

    statusstringsuccess if the request was successfully handled, failure otherwise
    requestobjecta JSON dictionary containing meta data on the request (identifying id, timestamp and number of operations performed)
    typeobject a JSON dictionary containing information on the type of the image
    media objecta JSON dictionary describing the image received

    The Type object contains the following Attributes:

    illustrationfloatthe probability that the image is an illustration
    photofloatthe probability that the image is a natural photograph

    Text Moderation in Images


    The Text Moderation for Images endpoint can help you determine if an image contains profanity, links, social accounts or personal information such as email addresses, phone numbers and more.

    Request arguments (GET)

    Example request

    curl -X GET \
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('text-content').set_url('')
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['text-content']).set_url('').then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['text-content'])->set_url('');
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    urlyesPublic URL to the image to be moderated
    opt_langno Language to be used for profanity moderation (ISO 639-1 code), default is en (english)
    opt_countriesnoComma separated list of country codes for phone number detection (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code), default is us,gb,fr (United States, United Kingdom, France)
    opt_textlistnoID of the custom textlist (blacklist, whitelist) to customize moderation

    Available languages (set through the opt_lang parameter) are:

    Available countries (set through the opt_countries parameter) are:

    Request arguments (POST)

    Example request

    curl -X POST '' \
    -F 'models=text-content' \
    -F 'api_user={api_user}' \
    -F 'api_secret={api_secret}' \
    -F 'media=@/path/to/local/file.jpg'
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('text-content').set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg')
    # binary image
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('text-content').set_bytes(binary_image)
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['text-content']).set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg').then(function(result) {
     // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    // binary image
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['text-content']).set_bytes(binary_image).then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['text-content'])->set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg');
    // binary image
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['text-content'])->set_bytes($binary_image);
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    mediayesThe image (local file) to be moderated
    opt_langno Language to be used for profanity moderation (ISO 639-1 code), default is en (english)
    opt_countriesnoComma separated list of country codes for phone number detection (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code), default is us,gb,fr (United States, United Kingdom, France)
    opt_textlistnoID of the custom textlist (blacklist, whitelist) to customize moderation

    Available languages (set through the opt_lang parameter) are:

    Available countries (set through the opt_countries parameter) are:


    Example response

        "status": "success",
        "request": {
            "id": "req_23WtCoW0Q6lPzGdPdjJjZ",
            "timestamp": 1512737637.4493,
            "operations": 1
        "text": {
            "profanity": [
                "type": "sexual",
                "match": "f*ck"
            "personal": [
                "type": "phone_number_us",
                "match": "+1 800 232 2322"
            "social": [],
            "link": [],
            "ignored_text": false
        "media": {
            "id": "med_23WtF44uHImHV66pOcnUU",
            "uri": ""

    This request will return a JSON response containing the following attributes:

    statusstringsuccess if the request was successfully handled, failure otherwise
    requestobjecta JSON dictionary containing meta data on the request (identifying id, timestamp and number of operations performed)
    textobject a JSON dictionary containing information on the presence of profanity or personal information in the image (see below)
    media objecta JSON dictionary describing the image received

    The Text object contains the following Attributes:

    profanityarrayan array of JSON dictionaries. Each dictionary describes the type of profanity and the actual text match
    personalarrayan array of JSON dictionaries. Each dictionary describes the type of personal information and the actual text match
    linkarrayan array of JSON dictionaries. Each dictionary describes the link found
    social array an array of JSON dictionaries. This array lists any mentions of social accounts
    ignored_text boolean true if the image was found to contain dense text, and was thus ignored

    The profanity, personal and link array contains JSON dictionaries with the following attributes:

    typestringtype of profanity or personal detail found. Please see below for the list of types
    matchstringthe word or string that was found to be objectionable

    The type string can be used to obtain more details on the type of objectionable content found. Possible values depend on the category:

    Embedded Text detection


    The Text endpoint can help you determine if an image contains natural text or artificial text. Artificial text (also called embedded text) is defined as being text that has been added to the image after post-processing, while natural text is text that naturally occurs in the photo.

    Request arguments (GET)

    Example request

    curl -X GET \
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('text').set_url('')
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['text']).set_url('').then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['text'])->set_url('');
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    urlyesPublic URL to the image to be moderated

    Request arguments (POST)

    Example request

    curl -X POST '' \
    -F 'models=text' \
    -F 'api_user={api_user}' \
    -F 'api_secret={api_secret}' \
    -F 'media=@/path/to/local/file.jpg'
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('text').set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg')
    # binary image
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('text').set_bytes(binary_image)
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['text']).set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg').then(function(result) {
     // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    // binary image
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['text']).set_bytes(binary_image).then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['text'])->set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg');
    // binary image
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['text'])->set_bytes($binary_image);
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    mediayesThe image (local file) to be moderated


    Example response

        "status": "success",
        "request": {
            "id": "req_23WtCoW0Q6lPzGdPdjJjZ",
            "timestamp": 1512737637.4493,
            "operations": 1
        "text": {
            "has_artificial": 0.15003,
            "has_natural": 0.75014,
            "boxes": [
                    "x1": 0.23051,
                    "y1": 0.55917,
                    "x2": 0.37446,
                    "y2": 0.6446,
                    "label": "text-natural"
        "media": {
            "id": "med_23WtF44uHImHV66pOcnUU",
            "uri": ""

    This request will return a JSON response containing the following attributes:

    statusstringsuccess if the request was successfully handled, failure otherwise
    requestobjecta JSON dictionary containing meta data on the request (identifying id, timestamp and number of operations performed)
    textobject a JSON dictionary containing information on the presence of text in the image
    media objecta JSON dictionary describing the image received

    The Text object contains the following Attributes:

    has_artificialfloatthe probability that the image contains artificial text
    has_naturalfloatthe probability that the image contains natural text
    boxesarrayan array of JSON dictionaries. Each JSON dictionary contains information describing the type and location of text in the image. See below for more

    The boxes object contains JSON dictionaries with the following content:

    x1floatThe bounding box's left X coordinate (expressed as a share of image width in the range [0,1])
    y1floatThe bounding box's top Y coordinate (expressed as a share of image height in the range [0,1])
    x2floatThe bounding box's right X coordinate (expressed as a share of image width in the range [0,1])
    y2float The bounding box's bottom Y coordinate (expressed as a share of image height in the range [0,1])
    labelstringThe type of text present in the box (for instance text-artificial or text-natural)

    QR Code Moderation in Images


    The QR Code Moderation for Images endpoint can help you determine if an image contains QR codes with profanity, links, social accounts or personal information such as email addresses, phone numbers and more.

    Request arguments (GET)

    Example request

    curl -X GET \
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('qr-content').set_url('')
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['qr-content']).set_url('').then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['qr-content'])->set_url('');
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    urlyesPublic URL to the image to be moderated
    opt_langno Language to be used for profanity moderation (ISO 639-1 code), default is en (english)
    opt_countriesnoComma separated list of country codes for phone number detection (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code), default is us,gb,fr (United States, United Kingdom, France)
    opt_textlistnoID of the custom textlist (blacklist, whitelist) to customize moderation

    Available languages (set through the opt_lang parameter) are:

    Available countries (set through the opt_countries parameter) are:

    Request arguments (POST)

    Example request

    curl -X POST '' \
    -F 'models=qr-content' \
    -F 'api_user={api_user}' \
    -F 'api_secret={api_secret}' \
    -F 'media=@/path/to/local/file.jpg'
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('qr-content').set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg')
    # binary image
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('qr-content').set_bytes(binary_image)
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['qr-content']).set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg').then(function(result) {
     // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    // binary image
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['qr-content']).set_bytes(binary_image).then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['qr-content'])->set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg');
    // binary image
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['qr-content'])->set_bytes($binary_image);
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    mediayesThe image (local file) to be moderated
    opt_langno Language to be used for profanity moderation (ISO 639-1 code), default is en (english)
    opt_countriesnoComma separated list of country codes for phone number detection (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code), default is us,gb,fr (United States, United Kingdom, France)
    opt_textlistnoID of the custom textlist (blacklist, whitelist) to customize moderation

    Available languages (set through the opt_lang parameter) are:

    Available countries (set through the opt_countries parameter) are:


    Example response

        "status": "success",
        "request": {
            "id": "req_23WtCoW0Q6lPzGdPdjJjZ",
            "timestamp": 1512737637.4493,
            "operations": 1
        "qr": {
            "profanity": [
                "type": "sexual",
                "match": "f*ck"
            "personal": [
                "type": "phone_number_us",
                "match": "+1 800 232 2322"
            "social": [],
            "link": []
        "media": {
            "id": "med_23WtF44uHImHV66pOcnUU",
            "uri": ""

    This request will return a JSON response containing the following attributes:

    statusstringsuccess if the request was successfully handled, failure otherwise
    requestobjecta JSON dictionary containing meta data on the request (identifying id, timestamp and number of operations performed)
    textobject a JSON dictionary containing information on the presence of profanity or personal information in the image (see below)
    media objecta JSON dictionary describing the image received

    The Text object contains the following Attributes:

    profanityarrayan array of JSON dictionaries. Each dictionary describes the type of profanity and the actual text match
    personalarrayan array of JSON dictionaries. Each dictionary describes the type of personal information and the actual text match
    linkarrayan array of JSON dictionaries. Each dictionary describes the link found
    social array an array of JSON dictionaries. This array lists any mentions of social accounts

    The profanity, personal and link array contains JSON dictionaries with the following attributes:

    typestringtype of profanity or personal detail found. Please see below for the list of types
    matchstringthe word or string that was found to be objectionable

    The type string can be used to obtain more details on the type of objectionable content found. Possible values depend on the category:

    Offensive content detection


    This endpoint is useful to determine if an image contains offensive content.

    Offensive content includes: - offensive gestures, such as middle-fingers - offensive flags, such as the nazi, confederate, ISIS flags - offensive symbols, such as nazi, KKK or SS symbols

    Request arguments (GET)

    Example request

    curl -X GET \
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('offensive').set_url('')
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['offensive']).set_url('').then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['offensive'])->set_url('');
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    urlyesPublic URL to the image to be moderated

    Request arguments (POST)

    Example request

    curl -X POST '' \
    -F 'models=offensive' \
    -F 'api_user={api_user}' \
    -F 'api_secret={api_secret}' \
    -F 'media=@/path/to/local/file.jpg'
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('offensive').set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg')
    # binary image
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('offensive').set_bytes(binary_image)
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['offensive']).set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg').then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    // binary image
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['offensive']).set_bytes(binary_image).then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['offensive'])->set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg');
    // binary image
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['offensive'])->set_bytes($binary_image);
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    mediayesThe image (local file) to be moderated


    Example response

        "status": "success",
        "request": {
            "id": "req_2e254SVW693XMTtD3MvlA",
            "timestamp": 1515064879.7939,
            "operations": 1
        "offensive": {
            "prob": 0.92529,
            "boxes": [
                    "x1": 0,
                    "y1": 0,
                    "x2": 0.91699,
                    "y2": 0.72794,
                    "label": "confederate",
                    "prob": 0.92529
        "media": {
            "id": "med_2e256k0jvwwnQsWYF0H5x",
            "uri": ""

    This request will return a JSON response containing the following attributes:

    statusstringsuccess if the request was successfully handled, failure otherwise
    requestobjecta JSON dictionary containing meta data on the request (identifying id, timestamp and number of operations performed)
    offensiveobjecta JSON dictionary containing information on the offensive content of the image
    media objecta JSON dictionary describing the image received

    The offensive object contains the following Attributes:

    probfloatthe probability that the image contains offensive content
    boxesarrayan array of JSON dictionaries. Each JSON dictionary contains information describing the type, position and probability of offensive content in the image. See below for more

    The boxes object contains JSON dictionaries with the following content:

    x1floatThe bounding box's left X coordinate (expressed as a share of image width in the range [0,1])
    y1floatThe bounding box's top Y coordinate (expressed as a share of image width in the range [0,1])
    x2floatThe bounding box's right X coordinate (expressed as a share of image width in the range [0,1])
    y2floatThe bounding box's bottom Y coordinate (expressed as a share of image width in the range [0,1])
    labelstringthe type of offensive content detected in the given bounding box. The label can be: swastika, ssbolts, confederate, kkk, middlefinger, isisflag, ironcross, sonnenrad, sturmabteilung... See the model page for a full list
    probfloatthe probability level for the given bounding box and its label

    Gore and Graphic content


    This endpoint is useful to determine if an image contains graphic violence or gore imagery such as wounds, blood or human skulls.

    Request arguments (GET)

    Example request

    curl -X GET \
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('gore').set_url('')
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['gore']).set_url('').then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['gore'])->set_url('');
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    urlyesPublic URL to the image to be moderated

    Request arguments (POST)

    Example request

    curl -X POST '' \
    -F 'models=gore' \
    -F 'api_user={api_user}' \
    -F 'api_secret={api_secret}' \
    -F 'media=@/path/to/local/file.jpg'
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('gore').set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg')
    # binary image
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('gore').set_bytes(binary_image)
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['gore']).set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg').then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    // binary image
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['gore']).set_bytes(binary_image).then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['gore'])->set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg');
    // binary image
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['gore'])->set_bytes($binary_image);
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    mediayesThe image (local file) to be moderated


    Example response

        "status": "success",
        "request": {
            "id": "req_2e254SVW693XMTtD3MvlA",
            "timestamp": 1515064879.7939,
            "operations": 1
        "gore": {
            "prob": 0.92529,
        "media": {
            "id": "med_2e256k0jvwwnQsWYF0H5x",
            "uri": ""

    This request will return a JSON response containing the following attributes:

    statusstringsuccess if the request was successfully handled, failure otherwise
    requestobjecta JSON dictionary containing meta data on the request (identifying id, timestamp and number of operations performed)
    goreobjecta JSON dictionary containing information on the gore content of the image
    media objecta JSON dictionary describing the image received

    The gore object contains the following Attributes:

    probfloatthe probability that the image contains gore content or graphic violence

    Image Properties


    The Properties endpoint helps you determine the quality of an image (bluriness, contrast, brightness) along with the main colors

    Request arguments (GET)

    Example request

    curl -X GET \
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('properties').set_url('')
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['properties']).set_url('').then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['properties'])->set_url('');
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    urlyesPublic URL to the image to be moderated

    Request arguments (POST)

    Example request

    curl -X POST '' \
    -F 'api_user={api_user}' \
    -F 'api_secret={api_secret}' \
    -F 'media=@/path/to/local/file.jpg'
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('properties').set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg')
    # binary image
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('properties').set_bytes(binary_image)
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['properties']).set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg').then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    // binary image
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['properties']).set_bytes(binary_image).then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['properties'])->set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg');
    // binary image
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['properties'])->set_bytes($binary_image);
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    mediayesThe image (local file) to be moderated


    Example response

        "status": "success",
        "request": {
            "id": "req_0zrbHDeitGYY7wEGncAne",
            "timestamp": 1491402308.4762,
            "operations": 0
        "sharpness": 0.995,
        "contrast": 0.886,
        "brightness": 0.522,
        "colors": {
            "dominant": {
                "r": 135,
                "g": 127,
                "b": 84,
                "hex": "#877f54"
            "accent": [
                    "r": 163,
                    "g": 149,
                    "b": 41,
                    "hex": "#a39529"
                    "r": 119,
                    "g": 127,
                    "b": 32,
                    "hex": "#777f20"
            "other": [
                    "r": 50,
                    "g": 48,
                    "b": 20,
                    "hex": "#323014"
                    "r": 232,
                    "g": 222,
                    "b": 204,
                    "hex": "#e8decc"
                    "r": 218,
                    "g": 198,
                    "b": 145,
                    "hex": "#dac691"
                    "r": 84,
                    "g": 62,
                    "b": 25,
                    "hex": "#543e19"
        "media": {
            "id": "med_0zrbk8nlp4vwI5WxIqQ4u",
            "uri": ""

    This request will return a JSON response containing the following attributes:

    statusstringsuccess if the request was successfully handled, failure otherwise
    requestobjecta JSON dictionary containing meta data on the request (identifying id, timestamp and number of operations performed)
    sharpness floata value between 0 (very blurry) and 1 (very sharp)
    contrast floata value between 0 (low contrast) and 1 (high contrast)
    brightness floata value between 0 (very dark) and 1 (very bright)
    colors objecta JSON dictionary describing the colors of the image received
    media objecta JSON dictionary describing the image received

    The Colors object contains the following Attributes:

    dominantobjectdominant color, defined by its RGB values and HEX code
    accentarrayarray of accent colors
    otherarrayarray of secondary colors

    Custom Check


    Use this endpoint to perform a custom check using a combination of models. One single request for instance to detect both nudity and weapons.

    Request arguments (GET)

    Example request

    curl -X GET \
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('nudity','wad','properties','face','type','celebrities','face-attributes', 'scam','text','offensive').set_url('')
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['nudity', 'type', 'properties','wad','face','scam','text','offensive']).set_url('').then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['nudity', 'type', 'properties','wad','face','scam','text','offensive'])->set_url('');
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    modelsyesString list of models (see below for details)
    urlyesPublic URL to the image to be moderated

    Request arguments (POST)

    Example request

    curl -X POST '' \
    -F 'api_user={api_user}' \
    -F 'api_secret={api_secret}' \
    -F 'media=@/path/to/local/file.jpg' \
    -F 'models=nudity,wad,properties,face,type,celebrities,face-attributes,scam,text,offensive'
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('nudity','wad','properties','face','type','celebrities','face-attributes','scam','text','offensive').set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg')
    # binary image
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    output = client.check('nudity','wad','properties','face','type','celebrities','face-attributes','scam','text','offensive').set_bytes(binary_image)
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['nudity', 'type', 'properties','wad','face','scam','text','offensive']).set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg').then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    // binary image
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['nudity', 'type','properties','wad','face','scam','text','offensive']).set_bytes(binary_image).then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['nudity', 'type', 'properties','wad','face','scam','text','offensive'])->set_file('/path/to/local/file.jpg');
    // binary image
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $output = $client->check(['nudity', 'type', 'properties','wad','face','scam','text','offensive'])->set_bytes($binary_image);
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    modelsyesString list of models (see below for details)
    mediayesThe image (local file) to be moderated

    List of models

    The models string is a comma-separated list of the models you want to apply. The string denominations for each model is:

    Head to the Model Page for more details on all the available models.

    To apply all models, the models parameter should therefore be nudity, wad, offensive, gore, properties, face, face-attributes, celebrities, type, scam, text, text-content


    Example response

        "status": "success",
        "request": {
            "id": "req_0GxfxHCu3efMEReZrhCZ9",
            "timestamp": 1493039362.0472,
            "operations": 7
        "weapon": 0.004,
        "alcohol": 0.003,
        "drugs": 0.003,
        "nudity": {
            "raw": 0.000187,
            "partial": 0.00029,
            "safe": 0.999523
        "type": {
            "photo": 0.99571,
            "illustration": 0.00429
        "face": {
            "single": 0.99513,
            "multiple": 0.266678
        "scam": {
            "prob": 0.01
        "text": {
            "has_artificial": 0.01,
            "has_natural": 0.01
        "offensive": {
            "prob": 0.92529,
            "boxes": [
                    "x1": 0,
                    "y1": 0,
                    "x2": 0.91699,
                    "y2": 0.72794,
                    "label": "confederate",
                    "prob": 0.92529
        "faces": [
                "x1": 0.0603,
                "y1": 0.193,
                "x2": 0.7414,
                "y2": 0.7839,
                "features": {
                    "left_eye": {
                        "x": 0.4727,
                        "y": 0.455
                    "right_eye": {
                        "x": 0.1818,
                        "y": 0.4233
                    "nose_tip": {
                        "x": 0.2591,
                        "y": 0.5635
                    "left_mouth_corner": {
                        "x": 0.45,
                        "y": 0.6455
                    "right_mouth_corner": {
                        "x": 0.1591,
                        "y": 0.6243
                "attributes": {
                    "minor": 0.02,
                    "sunglasses": 0.01
                "celebrity": [
                        "name": "Ryan Gosling",
                        "prob": 0.99
                        "name": "Sophia Rokhlin",
                        "prob": 0.41
                        "name": "Timothy Balme",
                        "prob": 0.02
                        "name": "Uncle Kracker",
                        "prob": 0.01
        "sharpness": 0.981,
        "contrast": 0.838,
        "brightness": 0.626,
        "colors": {
            "dominant": {
                "r": 180,
                "g": 140,
                "b": 132,
                "hex": "#b48c84"
            "accent": [
                    "r": 144,
                    "g": 76,
                    "b": 74,
                    "hex": "#904c4a"
            "other": [
                    "r": 214,
                    "g": 218,
                    "b": 225,
                    "hex": "#d6dae1"
                    "r": 52,
                    "g": 38,
                    "b": 31,
                    "hex": "#34261f"
                    "r": 106,
                    "g": 66,
                    "b": 54,
                    "hex": "#6a4236"
                    "r": 239,
                    "g": 211,
                    "b": 185,
                    "hex": "#efd3b9"
        "media": {
            "id": "med_0Gxf31gS1QsOfT4MVurQ9",
            "uri": ""

    This request will return a JSON response containing part of the following Attributes, depending on which models you requested:

    statusstringsuccess if the request was successfully handled, failure otherwise
    requestobjecta JSON dictionary containing meta data on the request (identifying id, timestamp and number of operations performed)
    weaponfloatthe probability that the image contains weapons
    alcoholfloatthe probability that the image contains alcohol
    drugsfloatthe probability that the image contains drugs
    nudityobject an object containing information on the nudity content of the image
    typeobject a JSON dictionary containing information on the type of the image
    facesobject a JSON dictionary containing information on the presence of faces / celebrities in the image
    sharpness floata value between 0 (very blurry) and 1 (very sharp)
    contrast floata value between 0 (low contrast) and 1 (high contrast)
    brightness floata value between 0 (very dark) and 1 (very bright)
    scam objectthe probability that the image contains scammers
    text object a JSON dictionary containing information on the presence of text in the image
    offensive object a JSON dictionary containing information on the presence of offensive content in the image
    celebrity objecta JSON dictionary with the probability that the image contains a celebrity
    colors objecta JSON dictionary describing the colors of the image received
    media objecta JSON dictionary describing the image received

    Image Moderation Workflows

    Image Moderation Workflows are an easy way to create your own custom rules and actions, directly from your online dashboard.

    The standard API endpoint require that you specify in each request what models (moderation filters) should be applied and then analyze the results and confidence thresholds to decide how each media should be treated.

    Workflows remove this complexity by letting you define your own rules once and then letting our engine apply those rules and decide how each image should be treated: accept or reject.

    To create a new workflow, navigate to the Workflow page of your dashboard. You will be able to select the rules that should be applied, and what actions should be taken based on those rules: ACCEPT or REJECT.

    Request arguments

    Example request

    curl -X POST '' \
      -F 'api_user={api_user}' \
      -F 'api_secret={api_secret}' \
      -F 'workflow={workflow_id}' \
      -F 'media=@/path/to/local/image.jpg'
    # this example uses requests
    import requests
    import json
    params = {
      'workflow': '{workflow_id}',
      'api_user': '{api_user}',
      'api_secret': '{api_secret}'
    files = {'media': open('/local/path/to/image', 'rb')}
    r ='', files=files, data=params)
    output = json.loads(r.text)
    // this example uses axios and form-data
    const axios = require('axios');
    const FormData = require('form-data');
    const fs = require('fs');
    data = new FormData();
    data.append('media', fs.createReadStream('/local/path/to/image'));
    data.append('workflow', '{workflow_id}');
    data.append('api_user', '{api_user}');
    data.append('api_secret', '{api_secret}');
      method: 'post',
      data: data,
      headers: data.getHeaders()
    .then(function (response) {
      // on success: handle response
    .catch(function (error) {
      // handle error
      if (error.response) console.log(;
      else console.log(error.message);
    $params = array(
      'media' => new CurlFile('/local/path/to/image'),
      'workflow' => '{workflow_id}',
      'api_user' => '{api_user}',
      'api_secret' => '{api_secret}',
    // this example uses cURL
    $ch = curl_init('');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params);
    $response = curl_exec($ch);
    $output = json_decode($response, true);

    Once you have created a Workflow in your online dashboard, copy your workflow id (starts with wfl_) and use it to perform requests.

    You can create multiple workflows. This is useful for instance if you have different categories of images that need to be treated differently, or if you want to test different rules.

    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    workflowyesId of your workflow. Starts with wfl_
    mediayesThe image (local file) to be moderated


    Example response

        "status": "success",
        "request": {
            "id": "req_81pP7cRqEvbdZ457WNQ2O",
            "timestamp": 1597952947.216626,
            "operations": 1
        "summary": {
            "action": "reject",
            "reject_prob": 0.82,
            "reject_reason": [
                    "text": "Alcohol"
        "weapon": 0.0055,
        "alcohol": 0.819,
        "drugs": 0.001,
        "workflow": {
            "id": "wfl_81jOFDxdI8un4sm38y4Kw"

    This request will return a JSON response containing part of the following Attributes, depending on which models you requested:

    statusstringsuccess if the request was successfully handled, failure otherwise
    requestobjecta JSON dictionary containing meta data on the request (identifying id, timestamp and number of operations performed)
    summaryobjecta JSON dictionary describing the moderation decision
    media objecta JSON dictionary describing the image received

    Video and Stream Moderation

    Video and Stream Moderation is useful if you need to moderate video content. The service works both for static videos - stored as video files for instance - and for live video streams that need to be moderated in realtime, as they are being recorded or as they are being streamed.

    To moderate a video, you can either submit the video or stream's URL to the Moderation API, or send the raw bytes through a direct upload to the API. Our Moderation Engine will then start consuming this video stream and moderate it in real-time.


    You can perform either sequential or continuous Video Moderation.

    Sharing the video with the API is done either by sending a URL pointing to the video or uploading the raw bytes of the video.

    Sightengine can consume videos and streams delivered over all major protocols: HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) http, https and also rtmp, rtsp, rtp... Sightengine further supports all major video formats (mpg, mov, avi, ogg, mkv, mp4, webm, flv...). Moderation can be done both on live streams and past streams (i.e. stored videos).

    Sequential Moderation

    Via raw byte upload


    The first step to moderate a video stream is to submit the video to the API.

    Request arguments

    Example request

    curl -X POST '' \
      -F 'api_user={api_user}' \
      -F 'api_secret={api_secret}' \
      -F 'models=nudity,wad,faces,face-attributes,celebrities' \
      -F 'media=@/path/to/local/video.mp4'
    # this example uses requests
    import requests
    import json
    params = {
      # specify the models you want to apply
      'models': 'nudity,wad,faces,face-attributes,celebrities',
      'api_user': '{api_user}',
      'api_secret': '{api_secret}'
    files = {'media': open('/path/to/video', 'rb')}
    r ='', files=files, data=params)
    output = json.loads(r.text)
    // this example uses axios and form-data
    const axios = require('axios');
    const FormData = require('form-data');
    const fs = require('fs');
    data = new FormData();
    data.append('media', fs.createReadStream('/path/to/video'));
    // specify the models you want to apply
    data.append('models', 'nudity,wad,faces,face-attributes,celebrities');
    data.append('api_user', '{api_user}');
    data.append('api_secret', '{api_secret}');
      method: 'post',
      data: data,
      headers: data.getHeaders()
    .then(function (response) {
      // on success: handle response
    .catch(function (error) {
      // handle error
      if (error.response) console.log(;
      else console.log(error.message);
    $params = array(
      'media' => new CurlFile('/path/to/video'),
      // specify the models you want to apply
      'models' => 'nudity,wad,faces,face-attributes,celebrities',
      'api_user' => '{api_user}',
      'api_secret' => '{api_secret}',
    // this example uses cURL
    $ch = curl_init('');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params);
    $response = curl_exec($ch);
    $output = json_decode($response, true);
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    modelsyesString list of models (see below for details)
    mediayesThe video (local file) to be moderated

    Via URL upload


    The first step to moderate a video stream is to submit the video stream to the API.

    Request arguments

    Example request

    curl -X GET \
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    client.check('nudity', 'wad', 'faces', 'face-attributes', 'celebrities').video_sync('')
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['nudity', 'wad', 'faces', 'face-attributes', 'celebrities']).video_sync('').then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $client->check(['nudity', 'wad', 'faces', 'face-attributes', 'celebrities'])->video_sync('');
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    modelsyesString list of models (see below for details)
    stream_urlyesPublic URL to the video to be moderated (could be http, https, rtmp, rtsp, rtp...)

    List of models

    The models string is a comma-separated list of the models you want to apply. The string denominations for each model is:

    Head to the Model Page for more details on all the available models.

    To apply all models, the models parameter should therefore be nudity, wad, offensive, gore, properties, faces, face-attributes, celebrities, type, text-content, text


    Example response

        "status": "success",
        "request": {
            "id": "req_1ML249NoEZ8j12op9Lipg",
            "timestamp": 1508774201.3177
        "media": {
            "id": "med_1ML2wKmVgucuNPBN6xT33",
            "uri": "funfair.mp4"
        "data": {
          "frames" : [
                "info": {
                    "id": "med_1ML2wKmVgucuNPBN6xT33_1",
                    "position": 0
                "nudity": {
                    "raw": 0.01,
                    "safe": 0.98,
                    "partial": 0.01
                "info": {
                    "id": "med_1ML2wKmVgucuNPBN6xT33_2",
                    "position": 1000
                "nudity": {
                    "raw": 0.01,
                    "safe": 0.98,
                    "partial": 0.01

    This request will return a JSON response containing the following attributes:

    statusstringsuccess if the request was successfully handled
    requestobjectJSON dictionary containing the request ID and timestamp
    mediaobjectJSON dictionary containing the media ID and URI
    data objectJSON dictionary describing the moderation results

    The frames property in the data object is an array of successive frames. For each frames, "info" contains its id and position (in milliseconds) along with moderation results.

    Continuous Moderation

    The first step to moderate a video stream is to submit the video stream to the API.

    Via raw bytes upload

    Request arguments

    Example request

    curl -X POST '' \
      -F 'api_user={api_user}' \
      -F 'api_secret={api_secret}' \
      -F 'models=nudity,wad,faces,face-attributes,celebrities' \
      -F 'callback_url=https://yourdomain/yourcallback' \
      -F 'media=@/path/to/local/video.mp4'
    # this example uses requests
    import requests
    import json
    params = {
      # specify the models you want to apply
      'models': 'nudity,wad,faces,face-attributes,celebrities',
      # specify where you want to receive result callbacks
      'callback_url': 'https://yourcallback/path',
      'api_user': '{api_user}',
      'api_secret': '{api_secret}'
    files = {'media': open('/path/to/your/video.mp4', 'rb')}
    r ='', files=files, data=params)
    output = json.loads(r.text)
    // this example uses axios and form-data
    const axios = require('axios');
    const FormData = require('form-data');
    const fs = require('fs');
    data = new FormData();
    data.append('media', fs.createReadStream('/path/to/your/video.mp4'));
    // specify the models you want to apply
    data.append('models', 'nudity,wad,faces,face-attributes,celebrities');
    // specify where you want to receive result callbacks
    data.append('callback_url', 'https://yourcallback/path');
    data.append('api_user', '{api_user}');
    data.append('api_secret', '{api_secret}');
      method: 'post',
      data: data,
      headers: data.getHeaders()
    .then(function (response) {
      // on success: handle response
    .catch(function (error) {
      // handle error
      if (error.response) console.log(;
      else console.log(error.message);
    $params = array(
      'media' => new CurlFile('/path/to/your/video.mp4'),
      // specify the models you want to apply
      'models' => 'nudity,wad,faces,face-attributes,celebrities',
      // specify where you want to receive result callbacks
      'callback_url' => 'https://yourcallback/path',
      'api_user' => '{api_user}',
      'api_secret' => '{api_secret}',
    // this example uses cURL
    $ch = curl_init('');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params);
    $response = curl_exec($ch);
    $output = json_decode($response, true);
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    modelsyesString list of models (see below for details)
    mediayesVideo file to be moderated
    callback_urlnoCallback URL where moderation events will be posted. If you don't specify a callback_url, then your account-level callback-url will be used.
    max_durationnoMax video duration in seconds. If the video is longer than this, moderation will stop once the corresponding timestamp is reached. The default value is 900 (15 minutes).

    The moderation engine will send a POST request to the callback URL each time a frame is detected with nudity_raw or nudity_partial levels above the defined thresholds. See below for more details.

    Via URL upload


    Request arguments

    Example request

    curl -X GET \
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    client.check('nudity', 'wad', 'faces', 'face-attributes', 'celebrities').video('', '')
    var sightengine = require('sightengine')("{api_user}", "{api_secret}");
    sightengine.check(['nudity', 'wad', 'faces', 'face-attributes', 'celebrities']).video('', '').then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $client->check(['nudity', 'wad', 'faces', 'face-attributes', 'celebrities'])->video('', '');
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    modelsyesString list of models (see below for details)
    stream_urlyesPublic URL to the video to be moderated (could be http, https, rtmp, rtsp, rtp...)
    callback_urlnoCallback URL where moderation events will be posted. If you don't specify a callback_url, then your account-level callback-url will be used.
    max_durationnoMax video duration in seconds. If the video is longer than this, moderation will stop once the corresponding timestamp is reached. The default value is 900 (15 minutes).

    The moderation engine will send a POST request to the callback URL each time a frame is detected with nudity_raw or nudity_partial levels above the defined thresholds. See below for more details.

    List of models

    The models string is a comma-separated list of the models you want to apply. The string denominations for each model is:

    Head to the Model Page for more details on all the available models.

    To apply all models, the models parameter should therefore be nudity, wad, properties, face, type, celebrities, face-attributes, scam


    Example response

        "status": "success",
        "request": {
            "id": "req_1ML249NoEZ8j12op9Lipg",
            "timestamp": 1508774201.3177
        "media": {
            "id": "med_1ML2wKmVgucuNPBN6xT33",
            "uri": ""
        "callback": ""

    This request will return a JSON response containing the following attributes:

    statusstringsuccess if the request was successfully handled
    requestobjectJSON dictionary containing the request ID and timestamp
    mediaobjectJSON dictionary containing the media ID and URI
    callbackstringcallback URL where events will be posted


    Once you have submitted a video stream and received a 200 HTTP status code, our Moderation Engine will start consuming the stream and will assign a moderation score to relevant frames and send moderation results to your callback URL.

    To avoid sending too many callback events, the engine will send callbacks only when one of the following happens:

    Callback content for Continuous Video Moderation

    Example response

       "media": {
           "id": "med_1N0OMfhDR6lkfa8uzgLop", "uri": ""
        "request": "req_1N0ONgcBn6j5WozgPM0Es",
        "data": {
            "status": "finished",
            "started": 1508832872.0789,
            "progress": 1,
            "frames": [ {
                "info": {
                    "position": 0, "id": "med_1N0OMfhDR6lkfa8uzgLop_1"
                "alcohol": 0.003,
                "drugs": 0.003,
                "nudity": {
                    "raw": 0.04187, "safe": 0.949647, "partial": 0.008483
                "weapon": 0.003,
                "face": {
                    "single": 0.166772, "multiple": 0.056846
                "faces": []
                "info": {
                    "position": 1000, "id": "med_1N0OMfhDR6lkfa8uzgLop_2"
                "alcohol": 0.003,
                "drugs": 0.003,
                "nudity": {
                    "raw": 0.04658, "safe": 0.943894, "partial": 0.009526
                "weapon": 0.002,
                "face": {
                    "single": 0.165451, "multiple": 0.057799
                "faces": []
         "last_update": 1508832873.1822,
         "operations": 2

    Callbacks are sent as POST requests with a Content-Type:application/json, all data being sent within this JSON.

    mediaobjecta JSON dictionary describing the media (id and uri)
    requeststringid of the request that generated this event
    dataobjecta JSON dictionary describing the current live moderation results. See below for more details.

    The data object has the following content:

    statusstringongoing if the stream consumption is still on-going, finished if the consumption is finished or failure if an error occurred. A status of finished means that the moderation has finished and there will not be anymore updates
    startedfloattimestamp of the start of the consumption of the stream. If the stream is a live stream, this is useful since it means that frames before this timestamp have not been moderated
    progress float or nullprogress of the job. 0 corresponds to the start, 0.5 to 50% progress and 1 to the end. If the duration of the video is not known beforehand, a null value is returned
    last_updatefloattimestamp of the last update to the moderation result
    framesarrayarray of moderation objects. Each moderation object refers to a specific frame. Objects are ordered in chronological order and begin at the stream consumption start (which may differ from the stream start if the stream is realtime and started before moderation was launched). Each frame has an id and a position (in milliseconds) set in the info object and the moderation probabilities set in the nudity object.
    operationsint number of operations counted for this stream at this stage

    Callback Recommendations

    Acknowledging receipt

    To acknowledge receipt of a callback, your endpoint should return a 2xx HTTP status code. Any other information returned in the request headers or request body is ignored. All response codes outside this range, including 3xx codes, will indicate to Sightengine that you did not receive the callback. This does mean that a URL redirection or a "Not Modified" response will be treated as a failure.

    If your callback script performs complex logic, or makes network calls, it's possible the script would timeout before Sightengine sees its complete execution. For that reason, you may want to have your callback endpoint immediately acknowledge receipt by returning a 2xx HTTP status code, and then perform the rest of its duties.

    Verifying callbacks

    As an extra security measure, you should check that the media id value returned in the callback matches the media id returned in the initial API response. This is can be helpful if you have several streams moderated at the same time and need to verify what media each callback refers to.


    If you use an HTTPS URL for your callback endopint, please make sure that your server is correctly configured to support HTTPS with a valid server certificate. Sightengine will valide that the connection to your server is secure before sending the data.


    Keep in mind that your callback may occasionally receive the same event more than once. We advise you to guard against duplicated event receipts by making your event processing idempotent.

    Interacting with Continuous Video Moderation

    Retrieve a Video Moderation Task and Result

    Example request

    curl -X GET -G '' \
      -d 'api_user={api_user}' \
      -d 'api_secret={api_secret}' \
      -d 'id={media_id}'
    # this example uses requests
    import requests
    import json
    params = {
      # {media_id} is the id of the media that is being moderated
      # this id is given to you by the API when you perform a moderation request
      'id': '{media_id}',
      'api_user': '{api_user}',
      'api_secret': '{api_secret}'
    r = requests.get('', params=params)
    output = json.loads(r.text)
    $params = array(
      // {media_id} is the id of the media that is being moderated
      // this id is given to you by the API when you perform a moderation request
      'id' => '{media_id}',
      'api_user' => '{api_user}',
      'api_secret' => '{api_secret}',
    // this example uses cURL
    $ch = curl_init(''.http_build_query($params));
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    $response = curl_exec($ch);
    $output = json_decode($response, true);
    // this example uses axios
    const axios = require('axios');
    axios.get('', {
      params: {
        'id': '{media_id}',
        'api_user': '{api_user}',
        'api_secret': '{api_secret}',
    .then(function (response) {
      // on success: handle response
    .catch(function (error) {
      // handle error
      if (error.response) console.log(;
      else console.log(error.message);

    Retrieve the status of an on-going Moderation Task and the up-to-date moderation results.

    This works with currently on-going Video Moderation Tasks as well as recent Video Moderation Tasks.

    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    idyesMedia id

    Example response

        "status": "success",
        "request": {
            "id": "rtr_4I2naYrjEUcxwKDifC6nk",
            "timestamp": 1550584530.3862,
            "operations": 0
        "output": {
            "media": {
                "id": "med_4I2nqWOMDsrCs7TNXbKTQ",
                "uri": "video.mp4"
            "request": "req_4I2nM80SPhlVRW1JaxYnw",
            "data": {
                "status": "ongoing",
                "started": 1550584528.3224,
                "progress": 0.42,
                "last_update": 1550584529.6136,
                "operations": 22,
                "frames": [
                        "info": {
                            "id": "med_4I2nqWOMDsrCs7TNXbKTQ_1",
                            "position": 0
                        "nudity": {
                            "raw": 0.01,
                            "safe": 0.98,
                            "partial": 0.01

    This request will return a JSON response containing the following attributes:

    statusstringsuccess if the request was successfully handled
    request.idstringid of the STOP request
    request.timestampfloattimestamp at which the STOP request was processed
    request.operationsintvolume of operations counted towards your monthly usage
    outputdictionarya description of the moderation results, the way you would get them from the callback

    The output dictionary contains the following attributes:

    mediadictionarydescription of the media id and URI
    requeststringrequest id
    datadictionarydescription of the moderation result

    List on-going Video Moderation Tasks

    Example request

    curl -X GET -G '' \
      -d 'api_user={api_user}' \
      -d 'api_secret={api_secret}' \
    # this example uses requests
    import requests
    import json
    params = {'api_user': '{api_user}', 'api_secret': '{api_secret}'}
    r = requests.get('', params=params)
    output = json.loads(r.text)
    $params = array(
      'api_user' => '{api_user}',
      'api_secret' => '{api_secret}',
    // this example uses cURL
    $ch = curl_init(''.http_build_query($params));
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    $response = curl_exec($ch);
    $output = json_decode($response, true);
    // this example uses axios
    const axios = require('axios');
    axios.get('', {
      params: {
        'api_user': '{api_user}',
        'api_secret': '{api_secret}',
    .then(function (response) {
      // on success: handle response
    .catch(function (error) {
      // handle error
      if (error.response) console.log(;
      else console.log(error.message);

    List all on-going continuous video moderation tasks.

    This is useful to check how many tasks are on-going and what their ids are.

    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret

    Example response

        "status": "success",
        "request": {
            "id": "rtr_4I2hogli0zqFQVoCbAIZO",
            "timestamp": 1550584177.5192,
            "operations": 0
        "ongoing": [
                "requestid": "req_4I2hYjooGs7d4eEIDin4y",
                "mediaid": "med_4I2hvcxaNqwjPP0zdT44t",
                "type": "video_moderation",
                "last_update": "1550584177"

    This request will return a JSON response containing the following attributes:

    statusstringsuccess if the request was successfully handled
    request.idstringid of the STOP request
    request.timestampfloattimestamp at which the STOP request was processed
    request.operationsintvolume of operations counted towards your monthly usage
    ongoingarrayarray of JSON dictionaries. Each dictionary describes a single on-going moderation task.

    For each task, the ongoing array will contain:

    Stop an on-going Video Moderation Task

    Example request

    curl -X DELETE '' \
      -F 'api_user={api_user}' \
      -F 'api_secret={api_secret}' \
      -F 'id={media_id}'
    # this example uses requests
    import requests
    import json
    data = {
      # {media_id} is the id of the media that is being moderated
      # this id is given to you by the API when you perform a moderation request
      'id': '{media_id}',
      'api_user': '{api_user}',
      'api_secret': '{api_secret}'
    r = requests.delete('', data=data)
    output = json.loads(r.text)
    $params = array(
      // {media_id} is the id of the media that is being moderated
      // this id is given to you by the API when you perform a moderation request
      'id' => '{media_id}',
      'api_user' => '{api_user}',
      'api_secret' => '{api_secret}',
    // this example uses cURL
    $ch = curl_init('');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'DELETE');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($params));
    $response = curl_exec($ch);
    $output = json_decode($response, true);
    // this example uses axios and querystring
    const axios = require('axios');
    const qs = require('querystring');
    data = {
      'id': '{media_id}',
      'api_user': '{api_user}',
      'api_secret': '{api_secret}',
    axios.delete('', {params: data})
    .then(function (response) {
      // on success: handle response
    .catch(function (error) {
      // handle error
      if (error.response) console.log(;
      else console.log(error.message);

    Continuous video moderation tasks will go on until one of the following happens:

    Stopping a given moderation task is simple and straightforward:

    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    idyesMedia id

    Example response

        "status": `success`,
        "request": {
            "id": "rtr_4I2da8SXYFsnfVJ8fq03X",
            "timestamp": 1550583937.9341,
            "operations": 0

    This request will return a JSON response containing the following attributes:

    statusstringsuccess if the request was successfully handled
    request.idstringid of the STOP request
    request.timestampfloattimestamp at which the STOP request was processed
    request.operationsintvolume of operations counted towards your monthly usage

    Text and Username Moderation

    Text Moderation works by submitting Text to the moderation API. Our moderation engine will then analyze the text and return any objectionable content.

    Text Moderation detects:

    In the case of usernames, the API can also help detect misleading usernames that might mislead other users.

    Available languages are:

    Available countries (set through the opt_countries parameter) are:

    Request arguments (POST)

    Example request

    curl -X POST '' \
      -F 'text=Contact rick(at)gmail(dot)com to have s_*_x' \
      -F 'lang=en' \
      -F 'opt_countries=us,gb,fr' \
      -F 'mode=standard' \
      -F 'api_user={api_user}' \
      -F 'api_secret={api_secret}'
    # this example uses requests
    import requests
    import json
    data = {
      'text': 'Contact rick(at)gmail(dot)com to have s_*_x',
      'mode': 'standard',
      'lang': 'en',
      'opt_countries': 'us,gb,fr',
      'api_user': '{api_user}',
      'api_secret': '{api_secret}'
    r ='', data=data)
    output = json.loads(r.text)
    $params = array(
      'text' => 'Contact rick(at)gmail(dot)com to have s_*_x',
      'lang' => 'en',
      'opt_countries' => 'us,gb,fr',
      'mode' => 'standard',
      'api_user' => '{api_user}',
      'api_secret' => '{api_secret}',
    // this example uses cURL
    $ch = curl_init('');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params);
    $response = curl_exec($ch);
    $output = json_decode($response, true);
    // this example uses axios and form-data
    const axios = require('axios');
    const FormData = require('form-data');
    data = new FormData();
    data.append('text', 'Contact rick(at)gmail(dot)com to have s_*_x');
    data.append('lang', 'en');
    data.append('opt_countries', 'us,gb,fr');
    data.append('mode', 'standard');
    data.append('api_user', '{api_user}');
    data.append('api_secret', '{api_secret}');
      url: '',
      data: data,
      headers: data.getHeaders()
    .then(function (response) {
      // on success: handle response
    .catch(function (error) {
      // handle error
      if (error.response) console.log(;
      else console.log(error.message);

    To moderate text you should perform a POST request specifying the text, the moderation mode and the target language.

    textyesUTF-8 encoded text to be moderated
    langyesISO 639-1 code for the target language (en, es, fr, de, zh...)
    mode yesstandard for standard text moderation, username for username moderation
    opt_countriesnoComma separated list of country codes for phone number detection (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code), default is us,gb,fr (United States, United Kingdom, France)
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret

    Please note that texts have a size limit:

    If you submit a longer text, you will get an error and the text will not be moderated.


    Example response

      "status": "success",
      "request": {
        "id": "req_6cujQglQPgGApjI5odv0P",
        "timestamp": 1471947033.92,
        "operations": 1
      "profanity": {
        "matches": [
            "type": "sexual",
            "match": "sx",
            "start": 38,
            "end": 42,
      "personal": {
        "matches": [
            "type": "email",
            "match": "rick(at)gmail(dot)com",
            "start": 8,
            "end": 28
      "link": {
        "matches": []

    This request will return a JSON response containing the following attributes:

    statusstringsuccess if the request was successfully handled, failure otherwise
    requestobjecta JSON dictionary containing meta data on the request (identifying id, timestamp and number of operations performed)
    profanityobject a JSON dictionary containing information on any profanity found in the text
    personalobject a JSON dictionary containing information on any personal details found in the text
    linkobject a JSON dictionary containing information on any links or URLs found in the text
    misleadingobject for usernames only: JSON dictionary telling you if the username is misleading

    The profanity, personal, misleading and link objects each contain a matches array.

    The matches array contains details on any objectionable content that was found, its type and position in the provided string. The matches array contains match objects. Each match object has the following attributes:

    typestringtype of profanity or personal detail found. Please see below for the list of types
    matchstringthe word or string that was found to be objectionable
    startintstart position of the match in the initial text string. The first character would have position 0.
    endintend position of the match in the initial text string

    The type string can be used to obtain more details on the type of objectionable content found. Possible values depend on the category:



    If you ever come across misclassifications, you can report them.

    Image classes

    In order to report a misclassification, you need to report the image that was misclassified, along with the correct class of the image.

    For each model, there are different classes that you may report. Here are the details:

    The nudity model has 7 classes:

    The wad model has 6 classes:

    The text model has 3 classes:

    The offensive model has 2 classes:

    The scam model has 2 classes:

    The gender model has 2 classes:

    The minor model has 2 classes:

    The celebrities model has 2 classes:

    The face model has 3 classes:

    The type model has 2 classes:

    Request arguments (GET)

    Example request

    # Example 1: a safe image wrongly classified as containing nudity
    curl -X GET \
    # Example 2: an image that contains a weapon that was not properly identified
    curl -X GET \
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")
    # Example 1: a safe image wrongly classified as containing nudity"nudity","safe", "")
    # Example 2: an image that contains a weapon that was not properly identified"wad","weapons", "")"nudity","safe", "").then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    // Example 1: a safe image wrongly classified as containing nudity
    $client->feedback("nudity","safe", "");
    // Example 2: an image that contains a weapon that was not properly identified
    $client->feedback("wad","weapons", "");
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    urlyesPublic URL to the image to be moderated
    modelyes Model for which you want to perform a correction. Could be nudity, face, type, wad, celebrities
    classyes The correct class for this image. For the nudity model, possible classes would be raw, partial and safe

    Request arguments (POST)

    Example request

    curl -X POST '' \
    -F 'api_user={api_user}' \
    -F 'api_secret={api_secret}' \
    -F 'model=nudity' \
    -F 'class=safe' \
    -F 'media=@/path/to/local/file.jpg'
    from sightengine.client import SightengineClient
    client = SightengineClient("{api_user}", "{api_secret}")"nudity","safe", "/full/path/to/image.jpg")"nudity","safe", "/full/path/to/image.jpg").then(function(result) {
      // read the output (result)
    }).catch(function(err) {
      // handle the error
    use \Sightengine\SightengineClient;
    $client = new SightengineClient('{api_user}', '{api_secret}');
    $client->feedback("nudity","safe", "/full/path/to/image.jpg");
    api_useryesYour API user
    api_secretyesYour API secret
    mediayesThe image (local file) to be moderated
    modelyes Model for which you want to perform a correction. Could be nudity, face, type
    classyes The correct class for this image. For the nudity model, possible classes would be raw, partial and safe


    Example response

      "status": "success",
      "request": {
        "id": "req_VjyxevVQYXQZ1HMbnwtn",
        "timestamp": 1471762434.0244,
        "operations": 0
      "media": {
        "id": "med_KWmB2GQZ29N4MVpVdq5K",
        "uri": ""
      "message": "Thank you!"

    This request will return a JSON response containing the following attributes:

    statusstringsuccess if the request was successfully handled, failure otherwise
    requestobjecta JSON dictionary containing meta data on the request (identifying id, timestamp and number of operations performed)
    mediaobjecta JSON dictionary describing the media (id and uri)


    Example response

      "status": "failure",
      "request": {
        "id": "req_t0OtSYcMHup3KrstGElG",
        "timestamp": 1471871564.1513,
        "operations": 0
      "error": {
        "type": "credentials_error",
        "code": 1,
        "message": "Incorrect API user or API secret"

    The API returns conventional HTTP response codes. 2xx status codes indicate that the request was properly handled, while 4xx status codes indicate that the API was not correctly used (e.g. invalid API secret key, submitted file is not a valid image etc...).

    Error messages can be detected by the fact that:

    More information on the nature of the error can be found through the error object. This object contains the following Attributes:

    typestringType of the error. Common types are credentials_error, media_error, usage_limit, plan_error, argument_error
    codeintSightengine-specific code describing the error. Useful if you need to communicate with support.
    messagestringHuman-readable description of the error.